Bradford: 01274 452000
Halifax: 01422 430000
Huddersfield: 01484 477600
Leeds: 0113 848 0000
London: 020 7689 7689
Manchester: 0161 960 0600
Newcastle: 0191 570 0000
- Former fire station building
- GIA of 8,308 sq ft (771.85 sq m)
- Prominent main road position
- Site area of 0.61 Acre (0.247 Hectare)
- Wide ranging potential for alternative use or redevelopment
The property comprises a purpose built fire station.
To the ground floor are three appliance bays, a community room, offices, toilet, kitchenette and various stores. At first floor there are three offices, a dining room, kitchen, dormatories, toilets and showers.
Externally, there are yard areas running to the front, side and rear of the buildings providing on-site parking and storage, alongside which there is a training tower.