To Let
£3 Per Sq Ft
57015 Sq Ft | Ref: 103731
Industrial, Yard / Compound
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The property comprises a single storey steel framed multi-bay manufacturing unit benefiting from;
-Drive-in roller shutter door access via 3 x loading doors;
-Tail-dock loading bay;
-Solid concrete floors;
-Works offices, canteen & w/c facilities;
-LED lighting systems;
-Dedicated private yard with barrier entrance.
Services connected to the property include 3-Phase electric and gas. Please note none of these services have been tried or tested and interested parties are advised to satisfy themselves as to their condition and suitability.
The property forms part of the Black Dyke Mills complex accessed from the main A644 Brighouse Road close to the traffic light inter-section within Queensbury Village Centre, approximately 4 miles to the West of Bradford City Centre. Junction 26 of the M62 Motorway is located approximately 8 miles distant via the M606 Motorway which is located approximately 5 miles distant.
The rentals quoted are exclusive of VAT (if applicable)
The property is offered by way of a Sub-Lease of part of an existing Lease expiring on 31st December 2025. A longer term can be agreed by way of a subsequent Reversionary Lease beyond the current Lease expiry date.
For further information or should you wish to arrange a viewing, please contact the sole letting agents:
The Weaving Shed, Black Dyke Mills, Brighouse Road