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45 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield

Photo of 45 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield
Photo of 45 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield
Photo of 45 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield
Photo of 45 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield
Under Offer

Under Offer

£13,000 Per Annum
525 Sq Ft | Ref: 100402


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Property details

  • Ground Floor retail unit
  • 525 ft (48.77 m2)
  • Situated on popular suburban retail parade
  • Frontage to main arterial route (A640)

The property comprises a ground floor shop unit within a retail parade of seven shops. Within a two-storey concrete frame building, clad with brickwork beneath a flat roof.

Internally the unit benefits from aluminium framed and glazed shop front, with large display window and personnel entrance door and solid floor throughout. Towards the rear of the premises is a kitchen, storeroom and toilet facilities.


The property is located in the suburban area of Marsh with frontage to Westbourne Road (A640), a main arterial highway linking J23 M62 with Huddersfield town centre.

Located within a popular retail parade, other occupiers include Subway and KFC.


EPC rating = D (78)


Rent is quoted exclusive of VAT, which we understand is not chargeable.


The total approximate gross internal floor areas are:
45 Westbourne Road

Ground floor 525 ft 48.77 m2

All measurements have been taken compliant to the RICS code of measuring practice. These measurements have been taken in metric and converted to the nearest imperial equivalent.



We have been advised by the local authority that the premises are assessed for rating purposes as follows:

Shop and premises- £8,100


Class E of the Town & Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987


Strictly by appointment with joint agents, contact: Phil Deakin 01484 432043 Lily Garside 01484 432043

Arrange a viewing

45 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield